
Membership of the Danish Church in London
By signing up for membership, you are helping to ensure that there will be a Danish church in London in the future for you and your family and the approximately 50,000 Danes in Greater London.
Folkekirken in Denmark is run with the help of church taxes, membership comes into effect when you are baptised. It is different with the church here in London. Here you only become a member when you have signed up for membership. The membership fee for the Danish Church in London is considerably lower than the church tax in Denmark.
The church is for everyone, and we hope that you and your family have had good experiences in the church in one of our many activities, which means that you will want to sign up for membership.
How to become a member
It costs just £120 annually for families, £95 for individuals / £60 reduced price for low incomes. You can pay monthly if you wish. If you have the financial means to do so, please make an additional donation with the membership.
Sign up for membership HERE
If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected], here you can also arrange payment by check, bank transfer or cash.
Handling of personal data
If you choose to take out a membership or make a donation, you approve that your personal data is handled as described in our privacy notice.
Are you liable for tax in Denmark?
You can choose to transfer your church tax to The Danish Church London. It does not cost extra, but it is of great importance to us. We are happy to help with the paperwork.
You can find the application form for exemption from payment of church tax in Denmark here, or by contacting the church office or on tel: +44 (0)20 7935 7584. The form is sent to one of the priests.
Are you taxable in the UK?
If you pay tax in the UK and give support to The Danish Church in London, you can increase your support by 25% without paying as much as 1p extra. You do this by simply clicking on Gift Aid on the member page.

With your permission, the church as a registered Charity will be able to receive Gift Aid from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), and thus your contribution will be worth 25% more. This applies to both membership contributions and donations, provided that your donation is not anonymous. Eg. a Family Membership will be worth £27 more per year. You can read more about the Gift Aid concept on HMRC's website.