
Her Majesty Queen Margrethe of Denmark and Prince Henrik's Fund
A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal
Her Majesty Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik’s Fund and A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal were first to support the Church’s building project. On 1 June 2015, he Church received a letter from H.M. Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik’s Fond granting £10,000 to support our project.
Right from start, The A.P. Møller Foundation has been supportive of the building project, and promised to match other donations up to half of the costs. We are most grateful for this incredibly generous offer of over £1 Million. As part of this original pledge, the A.P. Møller Foundation has granted £60,000 to help with the process of preliminary surveys, and all the various permissions and consents required for work on a Grade II Listed building.

The Oak Foundation
St Katharine’s would like to express its sincere gratitude to Oak Foundation for a grant of £670,000 towards the project. This grant enabled the church to initiate the project, and move on to actual work, rather than fundraising.

Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond
On May 17, 2016, The Danish Church received a wonderful message from the Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond. We are very pleased and very grateful to announce that the fund will donate DKK 2,500,000 to our church project.

Villum Fonden
The Church wishes to express its heartfelt thanks to Villum Fonden for the grant of DKK 2,500,000 announced to the Church on December 21, 2016.

Knud Højgaards Fond
On April 15, 2016, the church received an email from Knud Højgaards Fond announcing that the fund will support the building project with DKK 500,000. We would like to express our gratitude to The Knud Højgaards Fond.

Konsul George Jorck & Hustru Emma Jorcks Fond
St Katharine’s wishes to express its gratitude to Konsul George Jorck & Hustru Emma Jork’s Fond, for – on June 20, 2016, – having donated DKK 500,000 to the refurbishing of the church.

1 Lombard Street
Søren Jessen, owner of 1 Lombard Street, hosted a private dinner in April 2016 in support of the project, the surplus of which, £31,000, was donated to the building project. The church is very grateful to Søren Jessen for his generosity.

Asta og Jul P. Justesens Fond
St Katharine’s is very thankful for the grant of DKK 100,000 received from the Asta and Jul P. Justesens Fond on 20 December 2016.

Anonymous Donor
What you only dream of has come true. In March 2016, the church received a donation of DKK 500,000 from an anonymous donor for the rebuilding project. The church would like to express a huge and heartfelt thank you from all Danes in London to the generous benefactor.

Nordea Fonden
On June 28, 2016, St Katharine’s received a letter from Nordea Fonden stating that the foundation has chosen to support the church’s Danish language courses for children and adults with DKK 500,000. The amount will be spent on updating the school’s audio-visual and digital materials as well as furniture and equipment. The church is very grateful for the support.

Pandora UK
Pandora UK was the first Danish Company in London to launch support to the building project. In December 2015, the church received a donation of £50,000 from Pandora. The church is very grateful for the donation and wishes to express its gratitude to the President of Pandora UK, Peter A. Andersen.

Danske Kvinder i England / Danish Women in England
The Church is very grateful to announce that we in October 2016 have received a donation of £2,000 from Danske Kvinder i England. The Church has previously received £500 from Danske Kvinder i England. Thank you!

The Abbeyfield Danish Society, Ltd.
On 20 September 2016, The Abbeyfield Danish Society Ltd donated £2,000 towards establishing better access for the elderly, in connection with refurbishment of the Church. The Church is very greatful and wishes to thank for the donation.

Reed Smith LLP & Charlotte Møller
The Danish Church in London is extremely grateful for the unwavering support received from Reed Smith LLP, in the form of pro-bono legal advice. Partner Charlotte Møller and her lawyer colleagues have provided invaluable guidance and spent many, many hours checking contracts, licences and other legal documents relating to the building works, and the church in general. Thank you!
Jubilæumsfonden af 12. august 1973
The Church wishes to thank ‘Jubilæumsfonden af 12.08.1973’ for its donation of DKK 25,000 received on October 4, 2016.
In March and April 2016, a crowdfunding event was arranged for the building project. We are happy to announce the wonderful result of £3,495 and would like to thank all the generous donors:
Henrik Gobel, Cemborg, Kris Boye, FR Jacobs, Nina Mark, Jens Buus, Merete og Niels de Coninck-Smith, Stig Abildsø, Peter, Anne Skjoeth, Marianne van Gils, Andersen, Ulrik Fugmann, Peter Gullestrup, Michel Danechi, Annemette Schultz Jørgensen, The Whiting Family, Grete Bedford, Anne Bos Jakobsen, Anette Thorup, Anne Svendsen-Tune, Per Gullestrup and 12 anonymous donors.
Donations of gifts
The Danish Church would like to thank the following companies who have generously donated gifts for raffles and auctions at church events:
Kasper Holten / Georg Jensen Damask / Ann Babington / Sandi Toksvig / Sticks & Sushi / Scandinavian Kitchen / CrossEyes / Susanne Madsen / Ganni
Sandi Toksvig in support of the church

Sandi Toksvig honoured the Church by her presence at our New Year party on 29 January, 2016. Sandi Toksvig gave a speech and donated tickets for her QI show to the auction which, thanks to the generosity of the gusts, resulted in £8,000 towards the building project, of which “Danske Kvinder i England” donated £1,000. Huge thanks to Sandi, “Danske Kvinder i England” and guests.
Further donations
Jørn Thimmer
Dorte Bille Harding
Gitte Barnes
Tommy Schneider, Nordic Seafood
KK Hyland
Tove Sperling
Line Kofoed
Traute and Niels Ring Andersen
Wyk Lund
Lise Fennell
Jens Jespersen
Vagn and Helle S. Pedersen
Peter Lunøe
Hanne Stamper
Kirsten Longmuir
Lisbeth Morrison
Gerda and Ole Mellentin
Hans Jørgen Gudsøe Jørgensen
Agnete Isaacs
Jenny and Richard Baker, in memory of Annie Holm-Nash
Niels-Jørn Agner and Anne Brostrøm-Dyhr
Aase Nielsen and Kurt Pedersen
Alice Ramson
Benedikte Malling
Gunna Boyle
Lykke Lefmann Leszczynski, in memory of Ulla Lindis Lefmann
Yeates NP & KM RM
Modi Design
Kirsten and Jan Madsen
Mrs B. Schmidt-Hansen
Mette og Kevin Hersby Harling
Familien Meiland
Supporter - for donations of min. £500
Anita Hogg
Christopher Seidenfaden
Helle Farage
The Maersk Company
Edith Dulniak
Ole Lav
Lene Orchard
Alan Brown, In memory of Anne Lise Nielsen Brown
Aase Jacobsen
Tina Irene and Jesper Balser
Paul Beckman
Ebba Nielsen
Vibeke Degnbol- Martinussen
Vagn Ove Sørensen
Rebecca Riley and Ed Harley
Grethe Wurden
Colin and Else Strevens
The Tofte Jensen family
Patron – for donations of min. £2,000
Jens E. Sørensen
Edward og Hannah Broadbridge
Kirsten and John Mares
Karen and William Clark
Jubilæumsfonden af 12/ 8 1973
Din Sundhed Aps
The Abbeyfield Danish Society Ltd.
Danske Kvinder i England (Danish Women in England)
Marianne and Per Harkjaer
Benefactor – for donations of min. £5,000
Her Majesty Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik’s Fund
Søren Jessen, 1 Lombard Street
Elisabeth Lawrence
John Grosbøl
Merete and Niels de Coninck-Smith
8 Strands Mclain/Hardy and Helle Mclain
Lau H. Sloth Kristensen
The estate after Bent Ingerslev
Asta og Jul. P. Justesens Fond
Anne and Christian Strøyberg
The Ryum Larsen family
Principal Benefactor – for donations of min. £50,000
The AP Møller Foundation
Oak Foundation
Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond
Villum Fonden
Pandora, Peter A. Andersen
Knud Højgaard Fonden
Jorck’s Fond
Anonymous benefactor
Nordea Fonden (for educational equipment)