Parent Group

Every second Wednesday, on odd numbered weeks at 10.00-12.00

The parent group meets every other Wednesday. Regardless of whether it is the first or second child, it can be nice to meet others. Children aged 0-4 years with the cares meet, Lisa Butzbach is a trained health nurse and has many years of experience as a mobile health nurse in the Municipality of Copenhagen, leads the group and is available with knowledge and a willingness to listen.
It's a relaxed drop-in group, you don't have to sign up, everyone is welcome. We gather around the Danish children's songs, talk, share experiences, and sit and watch the children. Registration is not necessary. Just show up on the Wednesdays you have time and desire. We look forward to seeing you and your child.
We have a WhatsApp group, if you would like to join it, email your name and phone number to Iben at the office: [email protected]